Gordon Wayne Watts' Blog

I created this profile so I could post to other blogs, but it mandated that I create my own page, so that is why this page is created. Gordon Wayne Watts, Lakeland, Florida, USA

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

TownHall Questioner To Obama: 'I'm Exhausted ( tired ) Of Defending You' -PLUS Obama's Response

TownHall Questioner To Obama: 'I'm Exhausted ( tired ) Of Defending You' -PLUS Obama's Response:


Cross-posted to the 'Videos' section of my Facebook:




TownHall Questioner To Obama: 'I'm Exhausted ( Tired ) Of Defending You' -PLUS Obama's Response: (This has both parts, so it's better than the other guy's upload) -- It is not all the fault of President Barack H. Obama: The President is limited in his powers: I'm not defending 'tax-and-spend' Democrats or Republicans here, mind you (I'm uber-Conservative), but honestly, the CONGRESS passes laws, and only by the veto pen can the President affect things -that, the bully pulpit (which you or I don't have), and by LIFE-TIME appointments (e.g., Federal Court Judges & Supreme Ct Justices), but the LEGISLATIVE is who has been spending us into the poor-house, not the executive (Obama), and furthermore, taxes under Mr. Obama are actually quite LOW as a historical figure, but the spending is what is sending us into the scary 'Last Days' end-times of the book of Revelation. LOL. Come Jesus Come, and help me be ready. -Hat tip to Warren Loomis (Facebook) for sharing with me -and for http://youtube.com/Newswatcher89 on Youtube for providing a copy to post. -- For more information:
http://GordonWAYNEWatts.com -or- http://GORDONWatts.com and click on the 'Higher Ed' Skyrocketing Tuition Op-Ed, which cross-posted to a recent Tampa Tribune edition's Op-Ed page.

PS: One smart fellow pointed on my Facebook out that the woman could save money if she pulled her kids out of private school. --- This is true, but ALL of us (the woman, GOVERNMENT, and you and I) could -and should -cut corners.

News & Politics
Questioner President Barack Obama town hall townhall Real Clear politics CNBC exhausted defending you Economy speech healthcare health care reform federal student loan loans republican democrat tea party tired woman asks ask complains complain
