Gordon Wayne Watts' Blog

I created this profile so I could post to other blogs, but it mandated that I create my own page, so that is why this page is created. Gordon Wayne Watts, Lakeland, Florida, USA

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Coast-To-Coast AM parapsychology vs Bible witchcraft prohibitions


Coast to Coast AM, with host, Goerge Noory, was kind enough to take my call on their '5-25-2011' program (actually aired in the early AM hours of Thr 26 May 2011 in Eastern Standard Time). - Anyhow, they had a Parapsychology segment, and they advodated contacting the dead. With no disrespect meant, the Bible said they were wrong, and they were kind enough to take my 'dissenting' phone call. -- Scriptures in question include Deuteronomy 18:10-12 and Hebrews 9:27 -- See video for embedded comments as the call proceeds. For matters of reincarnation & proof of the Bible's accuracy, see http://GordonWatts.com/theology/reincarnation.html or http://GordonWayneWatts.com/theology/reincarnation.html -- for ways to 'test the spirits' (should YOU be visited by a ghost or a holy angel of God), see e.g., http://GordonWatts.com/theology/TestForProphetsAndSpirits.html or http://GordonWayneWatts.com/theology/TestForProphetsAndSpirits.html

For other theology issues, see http://GordonWatts.com/#theology or http://GordonWayneWatts/#theology

PS: I didn't mean to misspell his name in the video comments: It's George Noory, not Noorey.

Again, I do not mean to insult or disrespect Coast-to-Coast AM -- I'm glad & grateful they took my call. I'm 'Gordon from Lakeland, Florida' in case you're wondering.

Oh, 1 more thing: The other cites include these:

First off: the dead Moses & Elijhah DID appear to Peter, James, & John at the transfiguation: ""And, behold, there appeared unto them Moses and Elias talking with him."" --MATTHEW 17:3, see also: MARK 9:4 and LUKE 9:30.
Secondly: Samuel the prophet, who was dead, appeared to the witch at Endor and to King Saul:
"11Then said the woman, Whom shall I bring up unto thee? And he said, Bring me up Samuel.
12And when the woman saw Samuel, she cried with a loud voice: and the woman spake to Saul, saying, Why hast thou deceived me? for thou art Saul.
1st Samuel 28:11-12)
Coast to Coast AM ghost ghosts parapsychology reincarnation dead spirit spirits medium mediums bible God Jesus Christ witch witches witchcraft scary haunt haunted holy theology ghost hunter ghost hunters halloween lakeland gordon lakeland florida lakeland fla


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